This page details our partnership with a third party data company, TwentyCi, a data company, and explains why you may have received communications from us.
Homewise works with an external data company, TwentyCi, to identify potential homemovers who may be able to benefit from a "Home for Life Plan".
From time to time, Homewise will run marketing campaigns whereby TwenytCi will identify a perceived homeowner through their database and send a communication on behalf of Homewise.
TwentyCi remain the Data Controller (Homewise does not have access to this database), and Homewise does not share the data of Homewise customers back to TwentyCi.
Please read on and click to expand the questions below to answer any questions or concerns you may have, if you have received a letter, postcard, or email for example.
TwentyCi is a life event data company that provides intelligence into the events in consumer lives which act as purchase triggers, such as moving home.
TwentyCi collect data from public domain and open commercially available sources; data examples include property listings data or property search data. They use this data to target potential customers for businesses such as estate agents, removal firms, and Homewise, to send you communications about services you may be interested in.
These communications (such as letters, postcards, leaflets, and emails) will be branded as if they've come from the company being advertised. For example a postcard may look like it's come from Homewise and encourage you to call Homewise directly if you are interested in learning more about the Home for Life Plan, however the small print will state this has been sent from TwentyCi.
Learn more about TwentyCi on their website: www.twentyci.co.uk.
Using the data they have collected through the public domain and commercially available sources, TwentyCi identify triggers that they feel may match Homewise's service and be of interest to you.
For example, if you list your property for sale, TwentyCi would consider this a trigger of interest in moving home - and if their data shows you may be over 60 then you may like to hear about Homewise as an option for your onward purchase.
You may not be aware your data is available in the public domain and used by businesses for marketing purposes, however you can 'opt out' from individual companies when you have been contacted (see below).
Due to the large scale and complexity and frequency of data collection, it is disproportionally onerous to notify data subjects at the point of collection of each and every data point. Rather the company's privacy notice will be published at the point of first marketing contact (for example on the letter, postcard, or email you received).
Please see the TwentyCi Data Privacy Policy for full details.
If you are not looking to move home, are not aged 60 or older, or do not wish to hear about the Home for Life Plan, you can simply disregard the communication you have received.
Please be assured, if you have not contacted Homewise directly, Homewise does not have access to your personal data and will only know your details if you make contact. For example, you make a phone call or website enquiry directly to Homewise.
If a partner of Homewise (for example a local Estate Agent) has provided Homewise with your information, they will have gained your explicit consent beforehand and let you know Homewise will be attempting to contact you.
Please see the Homewise Privacy Policy for details of how Homewise may use your data.
TwentyCi data accuracy and errors
TwentyCi have over 4,500 data sources and process more 640bn pieces of data per year, with new data being collected daily.
There will, unfortunately, be times when the data collected through the public domain is inaccurate, and both Homewise and TwentyCi apologise for any upset or confusion this may cause.
Please be assured TwentyCi use industry-leading suppliers and strict data verification processes to mitigate any issues, however, it is always possible that the information they have received is incorrect.
For example:
The property is not on the market nor being sold
This may typically be due to an administrative error where a property is listed for sale online perhaps (i.e. added to Rightmove), but the listing says number 10, when in fact it's 10A or 11 actually being sold. The data is collected from the online listing tools and therefore, in this instance, no.10 would receive the communication in error.
The addressee does not live at the postal address
Utilising the 4500+ data sources available it is, unfortunately, always possible that a previous occupant or person who has listed the address as their residence at one time is mistaken for the current homeowner. Whilst TwentyCi does everything possible to cross-reference and match data for accuracy, it is not 100% reliable and therefore can result in confusion for the recipient.
The addressee is not aged 60 or over
TwentyCi use one of the industry’s leading suppliers for UK age and population data; whilst they’re happy that it is as accurate as it possibly can be, there will, unfortunately, be some cases where errors are made. Also, a percentage of the data used in the Homewise campaign is based on a modelled age. So, whilst it shouldn’t be wildly out, there will be some recipients that are not in the desired age bracket.
The addressee is deceased
TwentyCi use an industry leading supplier to run a deceased data screening process and all records get passed through five different deceased databases.
In order to ensure they get as many matches as possible, they search for matches at the first initial and surname level, not the full name. So, for example, they don’t search for John Smith, they search for J Smith to account for any spelling issues etc. in the first name. They would rather over-suppress (exclude more potential recipients) than not capture someone who should be removed.
That being said, the screening process is only as good as the database itself, so if a person hasn’t been registered as deceased, or enough time hasn’t yet passed since their death for them to be showing on the database, it’s not possible for them to be suppressed and unfortunately a communication may be sent during that time.
Receiving mail addressed to a loved one who has passed away can be a distressing experience and TwentyCi make every effort to avoid this occurring, however on rare occasions errors are made. If you have received mail in error, both Homewise and TwentyCi sincerely apologise for any upset this may have caused.
The addressee is already a Homewise customer
Homewise’s data protection processes are very strict and customer information is not shared to third party advertising partners, therefore TwentyCI would not know if a homeowner has already spoken to Homewise.
As the communications are issued from TwentyCi based on their database (not Homewise's customer data), Homewise has no control over who does or does not receive the marketing messages.
If the information provided does not alleviate your concerns over data security or integrity, both Homewise and TwentyCi are more than happy to answer any questions you may still have, please see the details below.
If you wish to 'opt out' (unsubscribe) from the TwentyCi database entirely, you can contact TwentyCi at any time to opt out and request that your data is suppressed. Please visit their website to do so: www.twentyci.co.uk/opt-out
Please note: They will continue to store your information such as name, address, telephone number and/or email address to be able to honour this request and ensure you do not receive communication from them in the future.
If you have any questions or concerns relating to your personal data, or would like to make a complaint regarding the use of your data, please contact TwentyCi via email at dataprotection@twentyci.co.uk.
Would you like to speak to someone on the phone regarding this? Please telephone the TwentyCi office on 01908 829300 and they will arrange for the right member of their team to call you back as soon as possible.
If you would like to know more about the Homewise service or how Homewise may be able to help you with your move, please visit our 'Contact Us' page to send an enquiry, or telephone 0800 043 4488 to speak with our team.
Read our brochure
Understand how you could benefit from the Home for Life Plan and our complimentary Move Simply service. Plus, read real-life customer stories too.