A mortgage-free retirement

Purchasing a Lifetime Lease for homes valued to £80,000 or more is simple with the Homewise "Home for Life Plan".
We help customers age 60 and over and for all walks of life.
Here's Helen and Mike, they had a large mortgage and credit card debt adding up to substantial monthly payments. They wanted financial freedom with money to enjoy their retirement and had dreams of a new home.
Homewise helped by creating a bespoke "Home for Life Plan" just for Helen and Mike could achieve their goals. So we sold their house, and with the money raised they cleared their mortgage and credit card debt to be completely debt free and now make a saving every month.
Helen and Mike then chose their new home and with the money left after purchasing the Lifetime Lease, whilst Homewise arranged the purchase of the property through a trusted provider.
Because Lifetime Lease ownership is a one-off payment and costs significantly less than property ownership Helen and Mike were also able to start a healthy savings pot for their future, freeing up money for holidays and treating their daughter Sue.
The family now enjoys spending more time together because with the help of Homewise, they were able to move closer to the same village. When the time does come, the percentage Helen and Mike chose to safeguard will be left to Sue as her future inheritance, allowing them to enjoy the rest of their retirement happily with peace of mind in their dream home for their lifetime.